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Aab-e-Zam Zam
The report of Japanese Scientist Masaru Emoto on Aab-e-zam zam in my own words:
The value / virtue of Zamzam water has, should not be distinguish at whatever location else in the water on this earth.
He utilized the engineering named NANO, and examined a considerable measure on Zamzam water. Notwithstanding found out that depending on if one drop of Zamzam water blend in 1000 drops of standard water, general water will get the same value like Zamzam water.
He likewise found that a mineral in one drop of Zamzam water has its particular essentialness that should not be recognize whatever viable water on this earth.
He moreover found in some tests that the value or elements of Zamzam water could not be modified, why, science does not know the explanation.
All the more he re-cycled the Zamzam water, but no update it was still unadulterated.
This researcher moreover found out that, the Muslims state before eating/drinking. He declares that following adage on consistent water, there are some unusual happened in the value of normal water. That make it most fit water.
He likewise found out that in the event that somebody presents the Quran on customary water, it gets the capacity for the medication of contrasting infections.
Masaru Emoto is a Japanese creator known for his case that if human discourse or musings are coordinated at water droplets before they are solidified, pictures of the coming about water gems will be excellent or ugly hinging on if the expressions or considerations were positive or negative. Emoto asserts this might be accomplished through supplication to God, music or by appending composed expressions to a holder of water..
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